Changing group lights has no effect anymore

@Tscheurgen Not 100% sure if I understand your issue right here, but it might be beneficial to take a log of about 5 mins length while trying to do whatever with your groups.

I recently also had a condition where anything group related just seemingly was non-existent to deconz. In my case, there were some 0xD2 errors stating the broadcast table would be full (absolutely not!! :slight_smile: ).

In the end, it required ppowering down the system and removing and power from the coordinator device. So, if you’ve a Conbee I/II, remove the stick for some seconds. A device with Raspbee I/II needs to be cut from power.

Hello Swoop!
Thanks for this simple trick, I’ll give it a try out of “business” hours :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Where I’m confused in the whole setup:
I create the groups through Phoscon WebApp, but are the stored in deconz or Phoscon?
Can I manage those groups in deconz gui as well?

Thank you!

Yes, generally, you can do everything with deconz GUI. It’s Phoscon that has potential limitations.