Aqara Roller Shade Driver E1 Sync issue

What do you mean by “he DDF linked to is the Xiaomi version” ? The files located in /home/user/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/devices have precedence on the DeConz package files. Then if you have one in this directory related to the same device it will be taken in place of the DeConz one.

You posted a link above to a file, it’s the Xiaomi version.

So ? I’m lost here … Sorry … Some Xiaomi or Aqara devices, like yours, reports manufacturer name as LUMI. That’s why the DDF is stored in the /devices/xiaomi folder.

As Smanar said, the place where the DDF stays doesn’t really matter (except the files located in /home/user/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/devices that have precedence) , it’s picked up with comparing those fields with the values reported by the device.

  "manufacturername": "$MF_LUMI",
  "modelid": "lumi.curtain.acn002",


Just to confirm this is a bug I’ll add this post.
I have switched to Z2M and I couldn’t be happier that I did!
The same devices that were having this trouble have been rock solid since the switch.
So it was definitely a deconz trouble. Unfortunately one that will probably never get fixed, but if anyone wants a fix for it, use Z2M.